(1) Stand or sit erect in a chair with your arms at your side. Relax your shoulders and look straight ahead. Now let your head drop backward slowly just to the point where you feel the muscles in the front of your neck stretch. Slowly bring your head back upright, and then let your head drop forward. Try to touch your chin to your chest. Bring your head back up to its normal position.
(2) Now with your shoulders relaxed and straight, turn your head slowly to the right as far as possible. Bring your head back to center and slowly turned to the left as far as possible. Return to center.

(3) Finally, with your head centered and your shoulders relaxed, bend your head toward your right shoulder. Keep your shoulder down, and let your head move only to the point where you feel the muscles on the left sided your next stretch. Bring your head back up and repeat on the left side. Repeat these exercises five times twice a day.

Isometric Neck Exercises

(1) Sit or stand erect with your shoulders relaxed. Place your hand against your forehead and press backward at the same time you press your head forward against your palm. Hold this position for a slow count of five.
(2) Now place both of your hands behind your head and try to press your head backward while you push forward with your hands. Hold this for a slow count of five.

(3) Place your left hand against the left side of your head and press against your head at the same time you push your head against your hand. Hold this for a slow count of five, and then repeat with your right hand against the right side of your head. Repeat these exercises in each direction five times twice a day.

Neck Lifts
(2) Now raise your head up slowly, hold for a second. Slowly return it to the starting position. Repeat 10 times. Build up to two sets of ten repetitions with several minutes rest between sets.
(1) For this exercise, you need to lie on a sturdy bench or a firm bed. Lie face down on the bed with the tops of your shoulders at the edge of the bed and your hands extended over the edge. If you are using a bench, keep your arms and shoulders as relaxed as possible. On a bed, let your arms dangle over the side.

Shoulder Stretches
Stand up or sit up straight on a stool or backless bench. Reach behind you, and take hold of your left wrist with your right hand. While pulling down on your left arm, lean your head to the right and hold the stretch for account of five. Repeat to the other side by pulling down on your right hand and leaning your head to the left. Repeat five times at least twice during the day.